Morandin Sheet Metal Containers

The leader in sheet metal containers.

Morandin Industrial Containers is a leading Italian manufacturer of sheet metal containers for both standard and specific applications. We can offer the best solutions for the storage, containment and handling of a wide variety of products and industrial materials as well as waste, scrap, and hazardous substances.

Due to our high level of experience and know-how in the production of industrial containers, you can be sure that you are contacting a qualified and reliable manufacturer.

This is evidenced by the numerous requests that we receive on a daily basis, from both longstanding and new clients, who wish to discover more about the products and services offered by Morandin.

It is through this experience and resulting success that today we are recognized by our clients as an essential partner for their containment, storage and handling logistics requirements.

Our way of working and doing business is founded upon the solid and inalienable values of professionalism, reliability and integrity. We believe strongly that these principles underpin our success. Today, we want to bond these foundations with a young, flexible, dynamic organizational structure which is able to respond quickly to the modern ever-changing environment, therefore enabling us to maximize costumer s satisfaction.

Our ultimate goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality product and service, which resolves their specific logistical issues, with attention to safety and environmental protection.

Sede operativa : Via Enrico Mattei, n° 9 - 25030 Torbole Casaglia (BS) Tel. 030 2151207
Sede legale : Via Giuseppe Avezzana n° 2 - 00195 Roma (RM)
Tel. 0438.651281
C.F./P.IVA 03717130987 - R.E.A. TV n. 366339 - SDI: M5UXCR1
Capitale Sociale € 500.000,00 i.v.
Omega 2000